The Convotherm mini is totally in its element in the fast food sector, at service stations and everywhere that food to go is served across the counter. With its width of only 51.5 cm, it can be integrated into every kitchen system with ergonomic perfection. It’s the ideal helper to produce standardized foods and snacks quickly and with especially low fat across all locations
Standard features
Cooking methods:
- Steam (30-130°C) with guaranteed steam saturation
- Combi-steam (30-250 °C) with automatic moisture control
- Convection (30-250 °C) with optimized heat transfer
- Regenerating function
Operation of easyTouch user interface:
- 7” TFT HiRes glass touch display (capacitive)
- Smooth-action, quick-reacting scrolling function
Climate Management
Quality Management
- Airflow Management
- BakePro
- Multi-point core temperature probe
- Preheat and cool down function
Cleaning Management
- ConvoClean+ fully automatic cleaning system with 3 intensity
- levels, with a Clean and Care Booster
- 10-minute Express cleaning
- Safe Cool Down function before cleaning (when door is closed)
- Cleaning profiles can be set individually as favourites
- Cleaning calendar
- Hygienic handles (door and hand-shower handles)
- Hygienic Steam function
- Hygienic touch film
Production Management
- Automatic cooking with Press&Go with up to 399 profiles
- Integrated cookbook with 7 different categories
- TrayTimer – load management for different products at the same time (manual mode)
- TrayView – Load management for automatic cooking of different products using Press&Go
- Favorites management
- HACCP data storage
- WiFi and Ethernet interface (LAN)
- ecoCooking – energy-save function
- Low-temperature cooking / Delta-T cooking
- Cook&Hold – cook and hold in one process
- Auto Start
- Add steam
- Regenerate – flexible multi-mode rethermalization function with preselect
- Flexible shelf spacing
- Automatic moisture removal (for optional activation)*
- Automatic cooling during cooking and baking (for optional activation)